Saturday, 5 March 2016

Marketing Music Videos:

The research I found out about the marketing of music videos is useful as it will help my group in completing tasks for the A2 part of my media course. It helps us understand how beneficial a music video is in promoting a track. As part of the course we also need to create a website. This research suggests that websites are also really important for artists as it helps to promote artists and their songs. If an artist is signed to a record label, they would help them create one so they reach a wider audience. When we create the website, we will have to bear in mind these things so we know how to promote "our" brand and "our" song. Realistically, artists could offer outlets for listeners to listen and stream a song like on Spotify, iTunes and Beatport so we need to bear this in mind too.

I found out that the marketing process by some record labels can affect an artist's album artwork, single artwork and music video. Examples of this include Hussle Recordings, Monstercat and Spinnin' Records. They are record labels which use their logos on artworks for albums as a way of promoting their brands. This is a great tactic as it allows audiences to see their label when new music from them is released which allows them to become more easily recognised and music of the genre relating to the label becoming more well known. This is something which my group should consider as we would want out track and music video to be promoted successfully.

Other ways artists market, promote and advertise themselves and their media products which I have researched about are stated below:

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