Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Our CD booklet/Digi-pack:

The digi-pack template I used for my CD in Adobe Photoshop.
The album booklet has the themes of love and the loss of love, which my group wanted to emphasise. These are represented by photos of the main character in our music video we took. We edited them using the website and Adobe Photoshop to feature broken hearts, subtly edited flames onto the front cover and insert, as well as the tearing of the heart on the Lyrics CD insert and the broken screen effect added onto the back cover. The snake theme is also present throughout as a metaphor for the male character in our video. Snakes also have links to the Garden of Eden, as do apples, which also have links to fairytales. These also imply that love can be tempting, but dangerous and it won't necessarily end in happily ever after as our music video shows.

By editing our female character into Snow White for the CD insert behind the CD with text in the form of the seven deadly sins onto it, it represents the corruption of her innocence, addiction, pain and loss of hope which are conventions which tie my music video and ancillary tasks together and link to the main themes. Therefore, we used our female character from our music video on the front and back cover as well as similar conventions to emphatically create a synergy between them.

We also incorporated promotional and advertising techniques in the form of the logo of 'our' fictional record label and a link to our website on the back cover of our CD. These would help to attract more people and gain more fans as I learned from analysing the group, Years and Years, and their official website. A larger picture of these can be viewed on the right.

The CD booklet/Digi-pack can be viewed by slideshow (which I created on below. If you would like to view each individual image please click on the icon on the bottom left of the slideshow and click "direct image link" on the image you would like to view:

Below are some images I took of my digi-pack to display what it could look like if it was an actual media product:

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